Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Center provide services that help maintain the agility and restore the maximum movement and functional ability of our patients. The services include to treat all areas where all the motion are in pain, injured, aging, diseased, and disorders.
Our Physiatrist or Rehab Medicine and in-house Physical Therapist are skilled and duly licensed health care professional who are adept in manual therapy and with functional training's thus providing outstanding's quality treatment in all aspects of rehabilitation. Enumerated below are the different patient conditions in which our Physical and Occupational Therapy Center specializes on:
Services Offered:
Physical Therapy:
- Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
- Neurologic Rehabilitation
- Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Cardiac/Pulmo Rehabilitation
- Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation
- Cancer Rehabilitation
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Diagnostic Procedure:
Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Velocity Test
- 2 Limbs
- 4 Limbs
- Facial
Physical Therapy Facility and Equipment :
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Paraffin Wax Bath
- Electrical Stimulation/TENS
- Infrared Radiation
- Hot Moist/Cold Pack
- Intermittent Cervical and Lumbar Traction
- Conditioning and Strengthening Exercise Equipment
- Standing Balance and Tolerance Training Equipment
- Assistive and Training Device
For appointment:
Services Hours:
- Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM to 5:00PM
Except Sunday and Holidays
Contact Number:
049-559 6145 / 049 559-8140 Local No: 110